Contact Us:
Park Office: 417-334-1920
Park Office Hours:
8 AM to 5 PM Mon-Sat
8 AM to 4 PM Sunday
Address: 3675 Keeter St Branson MO 65616
Email: [email protected]
Branson Fire: 417-337-8584 or 911
Branson Police: 417-334-3300 or 911
A Tornado WATCH means the weather can progress into more. This is the time to get prepared.
Do not wait for it to progress to a warning. Winds, rain, and hail may pick up and make it difficult to walk to the office. Other projectiles may be flying.
TV Weather channel: 10 & 25
Weather Websites:
Click Here For Click Here For Branson 10 Day Weather
No bag? Use a pillowcase, pot, trash bag or can.
– Use a trash bag as a raincoat.PETS: Leash, Medications, Food & water, Papers, kennel, muzzle if not kid or pet friendly.
What to do now!
When sirens are roaring seek solid shelter immediately.
A tornado WARNING means that a tornado has been spotted in the area.Come to the OFFICE. (Our only building in the center of the park.)
Office level: the safest place is the restroom hallway.
The garage basement is the lowest shelter. Do not compromise everyone’s safety by coming last minute, the door will likely be screwed closed!
To get to the basement, go to the left of the main building down the driveway. Watch your step with the speed bump halfway down the hill.
Freeze ALERT:
If temperatures drop below freezing you must turn the WATER OFF and UNHOOK EVERYTHING like your water hose, water pressure regulators, y-valves, filters, etc. from the faucet until temperatures get above freezing, this includes HEATED HOSES. Anyone not following these guidelines will be charged a minimum damage fee of $50 per violation. Additional costs may cover repairs, replacements, tractor time, site cancellations and loss of income, contractors, etc.
Contact Information
Call: 1-417-334-1920
Email: [email protected]